
In itinere nel nuovo anno!

Camminando, camminando eccoci al 2008!
Auguri a tutti per un anno a passo svelto, sicuro e mai stanco!

5 commenti:

_ ha detto...

Ciao :)

Happy new year!

I was in Rome two years ago and I loved it (I really like history and art, so I was in paradise).

Baci per te,


_ ha detto...

Hi :)

Yes, the title of my blog is in Dutch (long story).

Art is not my proffesion, but I try to learn as much as I can.

What do you do for living?


_ ha detto...

Well, I'm a freshly-graduated lawyer. Hopefully this year I'm getting a scholarship to study a Master, some Italian universities are on my wish list :)

I love the Netherlands too.

Yes, it's Firenze (I was there a couple of years ago, lovely city).

Where did you learn English? The 99% of the Italians I met did not speak English at all :P


Anonimo ha detto...

Ciao,buon anno (e buon percorso) a te e a famiglia.

_ ha detto...

Hi :)

I just sent you an e-mail with my msn adress

And, of course, I would LOVE to study in Rome!!
